
Pada Meminimalkan Risiko Poker Online

Bermain poker bukan hanya menjadi hobi, tetapi menjadi profesi bagi banyak orang. Anda melihat semakin banyak orang bermain poker setiap menit sepanjang hari. Tentu saja, menjadi pemain poker yang berpengalaman membutuhkan lebih dari sekedar pengetahuan tentang pengetahuan dasar dan aturan, itu juga membutuhkan konsentrasi, keterampilan dan disiplin.

Karena banyak orang sudah mulai bermain bandarq poker setiap hari, poker online telah mendapatkan lebih banyak popularitas. Tidak hanya nyaman karena Anda tidak harus meninggalkan rumah untuk bertemu dengan lawan Anda, itu sama menyenangkannya dengan permainan poker sungguhan. Jutaan orang bahkan mulai mencari nafkah bermain poker online. Tentu saja, untuk mencapai level ini, Anda membutuhkan waktu, kesabaran dan tentu saja, sejumlah uang untuk memulai. Ini adalah investasi sehingga juga melibatkan risiko. Ini seperti permainan judi apa pun yang ada. Anda perlu sedikit uang untuk berinvestasi dan Anda tahu bahwa ketika Anda melakukannya, Anda juga mengakui fakta bahwa Anda mungkin tidak selalu menang dengan investasi Anda.

Tapi saya bisa mengajari Anda bagaimana meminimalkan risiko dan memiliki keuntungan yang tidak adil. Apakah Anda ingin tahu caranya?

Dua situs web paling populer untuk pemain poker adalah Poker Stars dan Full Tilt Poker. Ini adalah situs web yang sah, perhatikan. Kedua situs ini memiliki komunitas puluhan ribu anggota yang bermain setiap hari dan menghasilkan banyak uang setiap hari yang mereka mainkan. Banyak dari anggota ini bahkan berhenti dari pekerjaan mereka dan bermain poker untuk mencari nafkah. Ya itu benar! Bergabunglah dengan situs-situs ini dan Anda pasti bertemu dengan orang-orang yang mulai mencari nafkah dari poker.

Sekarang, betapa senangnya tidak bekerja untuk siapa pun lagi? Tidak ada lagi bos, rekan kerja yang lebih menyebalkan, tidak ada lagi tenggat waktu dan proyek. Anda dapat bekerja di kenyamanan rumah Anda dan tidak khawatir bangun pagi-pagi. Anda adalah bos Anda sendiri dan Anda menyebut tembakan. Apa yang bisa lebih baik dari itu? Anda dapat memiliki kehidupan yang selalu Anda impikan saat melakukan hal-hal yang paling Anda sukai dalam bermain poker.

Anda dapat menemukan produk online seperti ebook dan perangkat lunak yang akan mengizinkan Anda untuk menipu poker secara legal. Menggunakan matematika dan sedikit perhitungan, Anda akan terungkap kartu lubang lawan Anda. Program ini (atau hack) juga akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memprogram bot poker otomatis Anda sendiri yang pada akhirnya akan melakukan tugas-tugas ini dan berfungsi sebagai autopilot Anda. Hal terbaik tentang produk ini adalah bahkan pemula pun bisa mulai bermain poker dan meraup banyak uang. Ya! Anda tidak harus menjadi pemain poker berpengalaman untuk mendapatkan hadiah. Anda mungkin khawatir tentang produk ini dan berpikir bahwa itu ilegal atau teduh, tetapi izinkan saya meyakinkan Anda bahwa itu cukup sah. Jika Anda mempelajari teknik-teknik ini dan menjalani dunia poker yang sebenarnya, itu seperti pergi ke Vegas dan Vegas dan menghitung menjadi sepatu enam dek!


Produtos de beleza orgânicos – eles são direito para você?

Você pode ter ouvido falar sobre como produtos de beleza orgânicos podem fazer maravilhas para sua pele. Você pode até considerar mudar para o uso de produtos orgânicos. Ou talvez você já esteja usando. Não é incomum que a maioria das pessoas opte por produtos de beleza orgânicos em detrimento de produtos comercialmente disponíveis, já que os produtos orgânicos receberam muitos elogios de muitas pessoas. No entanto, como com quase tudo, usar produtos de beleza orgânicos também tem suas próprias desvantagens perfumes natura promoção.

Leia o rótulo

Só porque um determinado produto é chamado orgânico, não significa que ele está livre de ingredientes que você pode ser alérgico ou sensível. Se você está propenso a rupturas ou erupções cutâneas, verifique o rótulo do item antes de fazer uma compra. Não basta comprar um produto só porque é feito de ingredientes orgânicos. Certifique-se de que não contém substâncias a que a sua pele tenha uma reação adversa. Lembre-se, o objetivo de comprar produtos de beleza orgânicos é realçar sua beleza, não arruiná-la. Você certamente não quer manchas desagradáveis ​​ou erupções cutâneas para estragar sua pele impecável.

Produtos hipoalergênicos são perfeitamente seguros?

Este é realmente um problema discutível. A maioria dos especialistas concorda que produtos hipoalergênicos não desencadeiam reações adversas na pele. No entanto, alguns afirmam que nem todo mundo usando produtos hipoalergênicos é completamente seguro de sofrer reações alérgicas. Se a sua pele é extremamente sensível, ou mesmo levemente alérgica a produtos de beleza orgânicos, é melhor ficar longe deles. Não comprometa sua saúde por uma questão de beleza.

Pare de mudar de um produto de beleza orgânico para outro

A mudança constante de um produto cosmético para outro pode causar secura e irritação da pele. Não há problema em experimentar vários produtos de beleza orgânicos em primeiro lugar, enquanto você ainda está tentando descobrir qual é o certo para você. Mas tenha em mente que muitos produtos cosméticos podem danificar sua pele. Quando um produto parece estar funcionando bem para você, cumpra-o.


Prevent Your Kids From Purchasing Apps on Your iPhone or iPad

Even the iTunes Store and the app-store were manufactured by Apple allowing end users to download movies, music, programs, and different things. Purchasing what to down load is straightforward and convenient. Really simple, in actuality, busy little palms can heap up charges in your accounts.

Your Apple ID and password have AirShou to buy items from I tunes or the appstore. For the own reference, you’ll locate the Apple ID from launching the Preferences program and selecting i-tunes & App Stores.

Whenever you get a product in I tunes or the app-store, a screen will appear requesting the password.

You’ll find a number of straightforward things that you can do to prevent your children from buying things.

This could appear to be a very simple thing, but we run in the scenario where we have been busy – that the youngster wants a program – and that we only let them have the password.

Even if you’re attentive and do not give your password out, your little one may make extra purchases instantly after your original order. The default setting to your own iPhone (and i-pad) would be always to request a password whenever you attempt to generate a buy. But, following purchases within 1-5 minutes of their unique purchase usually do not call for a password to be input. While that can be just a convenient feature if you would like to earn a number of purchases, then it can also permit a time for several purchases that are unforeseen.

To fix this particular issue, you are able to adjust the default setting so that a password is necessary for every single buy.

At the very peak of the screen, choose the button labeled Empower Limits and input a four-digit password once prompted. Work with a exceptional password which isn’t simple for the kids to guess. Do not use something similar to 1234. After inputting the four-digit code, then you’re going to soon be requested to enter it again to check.
Below the segment titled Allowed Content, pick Require Password.
From the screen that follows, then change the atmosphere out of 1-5 Minutes to Instantly. This will call for a password to be input before every buy.
Extra Limits

As you continue to be at the Restrictions preferences, then you will find a few additional alternatives available to protect against undesirable buys. You’re able to completely prohibit the setup of programs simply by toggling the partitioning Programs choice to OFF. This will get rid of the app-store icon from your home screen. In addition, setting i-tunes into OFF can get rid of the iTunes program from the apparatus, consequently preventing purchasing music, pictures, or whatever besides I tunes. The app-store and iTunes programs will reappear once the preferences are changed back again to ON.

In spite of the Installing Apps option disabled, then it’s still feasible to produce in-app purchases. In-app purchases are offered in a number of matches to permit an individual to buy new or credits degrees within the match. Quite often, little kiddies could create in-app purchases before being aware of what they did.

The Limitations settings comprise a number of different choices for controlling what kids can perform when using the your apparatus. Just take a while to check over these options. There’ll probably be other activities that you wish to disable before turning your own apparatus up to your young ones. After you finally get your apparatus back and would love to get a buy, only turn away Limits by choosing Disable Restrictions and inputting your password.

While restricting purchases might be considered a bit awkward, but it truly isn’t that difficult and it sure beats investing in a lot of undesirable programs your student old accidentally downloaded.


Mobile Web Apps Versus Native Apps – Which Is Better?


Browser established mobile programs versus indigenous apps. It’s really a serious debate concerning as much as three yearspast And because the beginning of that debate, there’s become a general inherent current among the online community that browser established is good and indigenous is bad. But is commanding despite the serious pitfalls, and browser based software need to perform some catch up.

Clearly organizations are recognizing that the growing importance of the mobile Internet channel for a way to create brand awareness and customer loyalty, yet the majority are unaware there are brand new, innovative approaches into the native mobile program which leverage the browser and make it considerably easier to engage consumers across the exponential quantity of cellular devices warfare.PandaHelper

The Indigenous way.

Mobile applications are nothing new. Thousands and thousands of productivity, gambling, utility and entertainment apps abound in stores like Apple’s iTunes or even’s AppExchange, available at no cost but mostly paying applications, through a variety of models. Apps redefined interaction and usability on cellphones – notably touchscreen devices, and in these times, tablets. Nevertheless, the native manner comes at a high price: acute development expenses plus maintenance and distribution expenses. Not to talk about the dependence on app stores and also the continual setup and update cycle. So for commercial mobile apps that the pitfalls may be off set by the business version, for informational cell programs, which can come essentially liberated, the downsides are paid for cash.

One of those pre-requisites of this native strategy is the infrastructure that is required for basic distribution and maintenance upgrades. And past the distribution infrastructure, associations will need to create customized versions of this program to get each of the mobile platforms onto which it can run (Android, Mac O/S, RIM, Windows Mobile, Symbian etc.), which subsequently also requires individual updates for endusers to install and refresh. For business programs not a significant hurdle to take, for informational apps and for companies using a limited number of resources to deploy, maybe not a obvious choice.

Indigenous has its advantages; the programs works off lineup, especially interesting for native and games apps can gain from the proprietary attributes of this indigenous platform – based on the i-phone apps you’re able to gain from the tilt angle or even the motion of device, given obviously your apps demand that capability. For entertainment and media, native programs may be an extra revenue flow as the apps can incur a new recurring revenue stream. However, for most businesses the programs will probably receive Free to ensure extra incentive to develop native programs will not be around.

The Mobile browser way

The technical and financial hurdles to overcome from the indigenous apps approach are for many businesses and their advertising staff to top to take. They will need to start looking for an alternate way to enter the mobile world wide web market and the mobile phones market. Small to moderate size organizations are still struggling getting a third generation website or Web Presence moving, not to mention that they could deal today with 3 to 4 different content administration, distribution and maintenance systems.

Taking a look from a different angle, we can look at providing the clients with a cellular web experience rather then an software experience. And this approach is potential through newly developed standards like html-5 and CSS3, together with Javascripts which optimize the material of a site for a first class mobile consumer experience. Applications can be easily duplicated via the browser, and without needing a fresh and differing inherent platform. Bottom line, you are leveraging the content from your current web site to a cell platform, accessible from any mobile device or tablet and individually from the operating system and also browser applied to the device or tablet.

The Benefits of Mobile Web Software

For Your cellular apps provider

The apparent advantages of the apps provider will be the ability to leverage it has existing investment in a web site or a content management system into the mobile platform. No need to produce new articles, no fresh distribution platform, no hardware and software investments, only an optimisation of the material for a great mobile encounter. Plus some content management programs are providing this today as a add on for their current platform for building non-mobile sites.

Other big benefit is that the approach is technology agnostic, and this using a browser based mobile apps you are since the entire mobile devices and tablet market, independent of manufacturer and underlying operating systems used. IOS covers roughly 52% of the cellular market, and as such that is an all-purpose figure, but it renders 48% on the others. Building a native programs on Apple thus provides you a coverage of 52% of this current market, building a browser based mobile programs gives you a 100% coverage and you don’t have to be worried what percent of your visitors will likely be dealt with by developing a indigenous Apple apps.

Third and probably biggest advantage for a small to moderate sized business, could be the simple fact that the upgrade and maintenance cost is going to be shared with the value of updating and maintaining your main site. So one investment cost for both the primary site and also the mobile website, 1 URL or domain, and one cost for upgrading and maintaining both platforms.

For Those consumers or customers

For users they don’t really have to download a program or any maintenance upgrades, but rather “call up” a URL by using their mobile browser which immediately produces the most uptodate application to their device. The URL can then be retrieved like a local program on their device background for repeat use. In scenarios where users just need a one-on-one interaction with a program they receive immediate entry with no downloading, whereas organizations capitalize on a one-time opportunity to excite their audience.


Meratol são produtos úteis para perda de peso

Excesso de peso e gordura indesejada tornam-se uma preocupação muito séria para muitas pessoas. As pessoas estão sempre à procura de suas exportações.

Meratol é um novo comprimido de perda de peso que tomou o negócio de perda de carga pela tempestade. As tabelas são suplementos de perda de peso maravilhoso que auxilia na redução da perda de peso. Estes são identificados como os suplementos de perda de peso mais eficazes que são principalmente por causa do design eficiente e exclusivo que eles têm.

Meratol é um produto de todos os ingredientes puros e puros que trabalham coletivamente para atingir os objetivos de perda de peso de muitos. Estes comprimidos são incrivelmente eficientes para perder quilos extras e é preciso levá-los a considerar os resultados. Como a substância e os elementos da medicação são garantidos e efeitos colaterais mercurial de Meratol e um dos dias de tomá-los. A cápsula tem muitas vantagens que auxiliam na perda de peso eficaz e bem sucedida. Com a cápsula, pode-se acelerar o metabolismo, diminuir o desejo por comida e eliminar a absorção de gorduras e carboidratos pelo corpo; e todos estes ajudam coletivamente a perder o peso excedente.detophyl

Todos os elementos eficazes de perda de peso são combinados. Não há efeitos colaterais e facetas desfavoráveis ​​nestes comprimidos e eles são absolutamente seguros de se ter. Há muitas maneiras através das quais Meratol funciona como um suplemento de redução de peso saudável. Acelera o metabolismo do corpo e ajuda o corpo a queimar resistência extra. Um acredita mais energizado tomando estes suplementos de saúde de perda de peso.

Quando alguém toma Meratol diminui seu apetite, o que ajuda a reduzir o consumo de calorias do corpo. Maior que 80% dos carboidratos que um toma todos os dias. Por conta de todos esses efeitos que o suplemento de perda de carga tem sobre o corpo, um lança fora o peso extra e faz o corpo parecer muito melhor e melhor.

Os principais elementos dos comprimidos são erva de algas marrons, extrato de pera espinhosa, capsiplex extrato de capsicum e extratos de cactos. Meratol, a pílula é tida em conta para ser, provavelmente, a maior perda de peso suplementos alimentares que podem estar lá fora hoje. A medicação é segura e pura e, portanto, pode-se soltar alguns quilos com essa pílula, sem nenhum efeito colateral. Com Meratol, a perda de peso não é mais um sonho que não pode ser alcançado; pelo contrário, pode-se tomar os remédios e ter um corpo fantástico que queira fazer com que as cabeças girem.


About Football and Betting Systems

The beginners at football and gambling absolutely require a great guidance to ensure they’re walking the very first actions in the ideal way. Football gambling systems are naturally that the ideal tool that they may utilize.

Lots of men and women feel that gambling สมัครแทงบอล in a arbitrary manner will simply take them to victory, also this isn’t the case ofcourse. Betting ought to be perfectly analyzed and predicated on precise and knowledge strategies. A football gambling strategy will assure you that needless to say. Still, you will find lots of football gambling systems which aren’t primarily based on realistic expectations, and also this is the main reason lots of men and women neglect.

Utilizing these systems that are bad will certainly set you in real problem. These football and gambling systems may cause one to an extremely low deposit to startoff. Many people today make the error of using such approaches, regardless of the awful operation they’ve, plus so they simply take that this small gambling bank expecting they’ll increase it utilizing this strategy. It’s extremely insecure though. Typically, they have destroyed. Accordingly, as a way to avert this type of stunning situation, it’s wise to get a solid plan such as an expert tilting service. In this manner, you are going to likely raise your bank roll outside.

Using that service, you usually do not have to get concerned about your own bankroll being pumped out. What’s more, it is going to let you use a solid plan that’s powered and run by professionals within this subject. They is there for one to be certain you’re becoming nice and of use football gambling hints and also assist you in making the greatest decisions.

With a fantastic sound gambling strategy, you won’t gamble more money than you might afford just in the event of loss. That really is why is it rather safe concerning money. This very strong system will guarantee that you success in this gambling battle.

Still another fantastic solution to own a solid money management information is a fantastic football recommendations service. Professionals working with such services can provide one of the most useful advice, strategies and secrets to acquire, based in their own long and productive experience. By the moment, you are going to start to see a substantial development of one’s bank roll. In this manner, you’ll soon be well informed about your own abilities. Many folks earn an income outside of gambling in football matches, however that necessitates patience, confidence, and experience.

Employing a football and gambling strategy differs from having a skilled football recommendations service. At the previous, you’re only gaming, where as at the latter, you’re investing.


Make Sure Your Business Runs Smoothly by Choosing a Reliable Courier Service

When you’ve got your own company then you will know precisely what it is like to feel the pressure. Being your own boss could be stressful and exceptionally feverish at times, although the benefits are substantial. If your company appears to have a mail order service then you will even understand how essential it’s to find this side of things spot on every moment.

Getting out products to clients immediately as soon as they’ve made a purchase might seem like common cheapest parcel delivery to Netherlands sense, however it is remarkable how many companies either seem never to appreciate this simple thing, or decide to ignore it. After managing to secure a purchase, there was absolutely no use in moving and messing things up by slowing the shipping, or not ensuring that the package will soon reach its destination in excellent condition. The customer has paid for his or her items plus it is wholly understandable that they want for them at the shortest possible time. And the faster that you figure out how to ship their product out in their mind, the happier they’ll be in the ending – and a happy customer regularly can become a repeat customer.

On the reverse side of this coin, a customer that does not receive their package on time, or receives it at a damaged state is not likely to be astonished and they’re also unlikely to purchase from the company in the past. The damage or delay may not have had anything to do with your firm, however to the customer it’s really doesn’t matter.

Keeping customers happy is a vital lesson in business therefore that is why an increasing number of firms decide to send their services and products out to clients with a skilled and respectable parcel courier cheapest international courier charges organization. It is a economical method of earning sure deliveries arrive in their destination in time and in the very best condition. Why take a gamble with your business as soon as you can have peace of mind?

Organise your institution’s delivery needs via an internet parcel delivery services and you can also enjoy the benefits of dealing with firms like FedEx, Parcelforce and City Link. These firms know that the inside out and so they can be trusted with your firm’s reputation.


Dunia Luar Biasa dari Taruhan Online yang Luar Biasa

Taruhan olahraga online dengan cepat menjadi salah satu industri online terbesar dan tidak sulit untuk melihat alasannya. Taruhan online cepat, mudah dan menawarkan lebih banyak pasar daripada toko taruhan jalanan tradisional. Jalan kembali pada tahun 1996, ketika internet hanya bayi, hanya ada 30 atau lebih situs yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memasang taruhan pada apa pun dari blackjack ke sepak bola. Bahkan dalam masa pertumbuhannya, industri perjudian meraup $ 17 juta dari pendapatan online. Pada pergantian Milenium ini telah meningkat secara eksponensial menjadi lebih dari $ 3 miliar dan pada tahun 2003 ini telah berlipat ganda menjadi lebih dari $ 6 miliar hanya di AS.

Ketika Anda melihat omset tahunan taruhan online di seluruh dunia itu adalah jumlah uang yang benar-benar mencengangkan. Menurut dewan judi Inggris Raya, perputaran seluruh dunia pada tahun 2001 untuk semua perjudian adalah £ 638 miliar dengan £ 21billion dari ini dipertaruhkan secara online. Taruhan olahraga online mendapat potongan senilai £ 9 miliar ini agen judi.

Dengan uang dalam jumlah besar yang harus dibuat, tidak mengherankan jika semua pembaca utama dengan cepat berbondong-bondong ke internet untuk masuk ke dalam aksi. Serta merek terkenal, situs spesialis mulai bermunculan di mana-mana. Situs-situs ini tidak memiliki kehadiran dunia nyata dan dirancang murni untuk menangkap semakin banyak penumpang yang ingin menempatkan di sana taruhan dengan satu klik mouse. Hari ini ada lebih dari 50.000 situs yang semuanya mengambil taruhan Anda. Tidaklah mengherankan ada begitu banyak situs seperti Kelompok Riset dan Pasar Judi Online memprediksi bahwa pada tahun 2015, perputaran di dunia taruhan online akan mencapai setidaknya $ 125 miliar.

Jadi, dengan meningkatnya jumlah yang semakin tinggi jelas taruhan online menjadi lebih dan lebih populer setiap hari. Bagi mayoritas orang, memasang taruhan secara online membuat olahraga mereka lebih menarik dan mereka bahkan dapat memperoleh sedikit uang tunai dengan teknik yang tepat. Tetapi tampaknya jika Anda ingin menghasilkan banyak uang, Anda harus menjadi seorang bandar judi.


Some Important Information on Plumbing Training Courses

An attorney is an expert that supplies folks mostly with all emergency-service once they’re facing a leaky pipe or even water flow. Learning to be a plumber is regarded to become a exact rewarding employment chance nowadays due to their sought after and extent for more the income. In the event you would like to go for a livelihood in pipes, then you require unique coaching to put in, maintain and fix various forms of plumbing and also tackle lots of new issues that appear if a clog is found from the piping technique.

Everything you Have to Be a plumber Artisan Plombier

Prior to starting zero to your lifetime career in pipes you ought to meet some standard requirements necessary to turn into fantastic plumbing contractor. Primarily, you ought to be physically powerful and beneficial to tackle rigorous plumbing tasks like lifting, climbing and employed in low or high areas. Aside from the wellness conditions, you have to get an ability for mathematics and science fiction.

An exhaustive comprehension in these two areas is crucial simply because plumbing tasks take a amazing deal of dimension and training. Thus, as a way to become registered in an pipes training course, you need to initially pass an admission examination.

An Look in the Area of pipes training classes

As stated by the recordings of the office of labour in their usa, a growing number of researchers are getting in to the class annually as a result of astounding reputation of their livelihood. You may go for an exercise class in pipes at a plethora of federal and global associations. There’s likewise a lot of specialized educational institutions, in addition to local community colleges which will supply you instruction for being a plumber.

Consequently, when you’ve contributed a severe notion to pipes for a profession, then you must be aware of this training course fee also. To get started with, pipes classes are high priced. You may need to pay for a quantity that range from £3,000 to £6,000. Most practice classes within pipes begin with essential plumbing abilities such as putting upward, fixing and preventing of plumbing.

Things to expect from the pipes instruction Program

The program of the majority of pipes classes will probably incorporate the theory in addition to technical use of these guidelines of pipes. Now you might often go to get many a lot more rigorous classes for bettering your wisdom and comprehension. At the technical region of the practice, you have to find hands off by a expert plumber. He’ll coach you on all of factual statements in regards to the character of the plumbing, the stuff in addition to the measurements of plumbing you’d certainly be dealing together.

Then you definitely are getting coached to different

which call for special understanding. This may possibly include things like tasks like cleaning and repairing drain, so providing the drinking water into many different regions of your home, and on occasion maybe at a industrial center. Then, you’re going to be educated to install valvesand solder an association and also the employment of varied tools connected with pipes such as pipe benders, blades and cutters.

Whenever you’ve properly finished the simple class, you are going to be supplied the thought of the expert plumber at the shape of the certification. This certification is granted only following that the organization has evaluated your own pipes abilities plus so are joyful with your degree of proficiency. After all is finished, you’ll find the pipes degree. This has to be topped having a legal permit to be eligible you personally as a expert plumber.


Strategi Poker – Pasangan Saku Kecil

Jangan Terlalu Tinggi Menilai Pasangan Saku Kecil Anda

Pertama-tama, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa pasangan saku adalah tangan yang mengagumkan tanpa batas Holdem. Mereka adalah roti dan mentega dari setiap pemain yang menang karena pasangan saku terkadang berubah menjadi set. Kita semua suka set karena mereka sulit dilihat dan mereka biasanya memenangkan pot.

Tapi ini bukan artikel tentang set yang hebat. Anda masterpoker88 mungkin sudah tahu betapa senangnya melihat ke bawah dan melihat sepasang di tangan Anda. Yang ingin saya bicarakan hari ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan winrate Anda dengan tidak melebih-lebihkan pasangan saku kecil Anda.

Dengan semua yang dikatakan, mudah untuk terbawa dengan pasangan saku kecil Anda karena mereka memiliki begitu banyak potensi. Anda hanya harus ingat bahwa mungkin memiliki terlalu banyak hal yang baik. Jika Anda memainkan pasangan saku kecil Anda setiap kali mereka berurusan dengan Anda, Anda menghabiskan banyak uang.

Soal 1: Stack Sizes vs. Preflop Raises

Ini adalah masalah yang paling umum yang saya lihat ketika datang untuk menilai terlalu tinggi pasangan saku kecil. Seluruh tujuan bermain pasangan saku kecil adalah untuk mencapai set. Tentu, kadang-kadang Anda akan memenangkan pot tanpa memukul satu set tetapi ide utama di sini adalah untuk mendapatkan sepasang saku kecil, memukul set dan memenangkan tumpukan seseorang.

Waktu terbaik untuk memukul set adalah ketika seseorang melekat di tangannya. Contoh klasik dari himpunan menang stack adalah lawan mendapatkan AA, menempatkan dalam preflop menaikkan dan kalah ke set tersembunyi Anda. Tidak ada yang salah dengan memainkan pasangan saku kecil untuk kenaikan gaji, tetapi ukuran tumpukan lawan Anda lebih berharga.

Anda akan menekan satu set sekitar 1 kali dari setiap 8 pasang saku yang Anda tangani. Jadi 7 kali dari 8, Anda akan benar-benar mengaburkan kegagalan. Jika Anda menelepon preflop menimbulkan setiap kali, itu banyak uang yang Anda habiskan memanggil kenaikan gaji dan kemudian hanya lipat. Bahkan jika Anda bisa memenangkan pot atau dua tambahan melalui tipu daya atau keberuntungan, itu masih bertambah dengan cepat.

Bahkan ketika Anda menekan set Anda, tidak ada jaminan bahwa Anda akan memenangkan seluruh tumpukannya setiap saat. Jadi itulah mengapa lawan Anda harus memiliki ukuran tumpukan besar dalam kaitannya dengan ukuran kenaikan preflop-nya. Agar menjadi berharga (dan kemungkinan besar lipat pada kegagalan), Anda harus setidaknya memiliki kesempatan untuk memenangkan sebagian besar uang.

Kebijaksanaan umum yang lama adalah bahwa Anda dapat memanggil preflop menimbulkan dengan pasangan saku selama kenaikan gaji mewakili tidak lebih dari 10% dari tumpukan terkecil antara Anda dan lawan Anda. Itu mitos.

Jika Anda menghabiskan 10% dari tumpukan Anda mengejar set setiap waktu, Anda harus mengambil seluruh tumpukan lawan setiap kali Anda menekan set Anda untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Kita berdua tahu itu tidak realistis. Sekarang jika Anda memindahkan angka 10% itu menjadi 5%, Anda akan berada di jalur yang benar.

Masalah 2: Memanggil Pencurian

Anda harus memainkan pasangan saku kecil Anda benar-benar berbeda dalam situasi mencuri preflop. Ketika melipat ke seseorang di posisi akhir dan dia menaikkan buta Anda, Anda tidak bisa hanya menelepon dengan pasangan kecil Anda dan berharap untuk memukul set seperti biasa.

Masalah dengan melakukannya adalah lawan Anda memiliki sejumlah besar tangan sebelum kegagalan. Mereka bisa membesarkan apa saja. Jika Anda pergi berburu ketika lawan Anda hanya mencuri, Anda akan memenangkan pot besar sangat jarang.

Jika Anda ingin mempertahankan tirai Anda dengan pasangan saku kecil, itu bagus. Dimasukkan ke dalam kenaikan gaji atau mencoba mengambil pot setelah kegagalan. Apa pun yang Anda lakukan, jangan hanya duduk di sana dan bermainlah sesuai-atau-lipat karena lawan Anda jarang akan membayar Anda.

Masalah 3: Play Preflop yang Prediktif

Ini lucu bagaimana diprediksi beberapa pemburu set dapatkan dengan pasangan saku kecil mereka. Pemain-pemain ini akan lemas dari posisi mana pun, panggilan naik dan kemudian melipat pada kegagalan saat set gagal. Hampir selalu sepasang saku dan itu sangat mudah ditebak.

Yang perlu Anda lakukan untuk mencegah prediktabilitas semacam ini adalah mencampurnya sedikit. Ketika Anda orang pertama sebelum kegagalan, datang dengan kenaikan gaji. Bahkan jika Anda berada di posisi awal dan Anda memiliki sepasang 2. Jika Anda naik dari posisi awal dengan 2 detik dan menekan set Anda, tidak ada yang akan menebaknya dalam sejuta tahun.

Membuat preflop menimbulkan set juga bagus karena memberi Anda satu cara lagi untuk memenangkan pot. Bahkan jika Anda kehilangan set Anda, taruhan kelanjutan sederhana setelah kegagalan sering kali dibutuhkan untuk memenangkan pot.


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